we're all responsible for the banking problem and the mess we're now in...We elected the Governments that borrowed huge amounts of cash to solidify their power. We allowed them to create a massive nanny state that has become unaffordable. We allowed them to bribe us with our own money and make us dependant on them.We allowed them to create an unfair tax system where half the people who pay no taxes are allowed to vote for tax increases on the other half. We allowed Governments to create the financial system in which greed set in.We allowed government to force banks ( U.S ONLY) to give mortgages to people with no jobs.We allowed those people with no jobs to buy houses. We allowed greedy unions to force up the cost of manufacturing to the point they left.WE ran up our personal debt..We allowed everyone to enslave us to debt and dependance....WE mortgaged future generations so we can have subsidized lives. We selfishly stole from our kids.WE HAVE NOBODYTO BLAME BUT OURSELVES .
So now we're so addicted to handouts and so dependant on government that when we try and fix the sinking ship we all scream and riot..
We need to hit the reset pulling teeth, it'll hurt like hell for a little while but we'll be better off in the long run.Maybe this time if the market crashes again we'll learn our lesson.