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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: When will Connacher release the latest GJL Reserve Report?

Every year for the last number of years Connacher management has issued a news release in July to update shareholders on GLJ Petroleum Consultant Ltd.'s latest report on the results of Connacher's winter core hole drilling program at Great Divide. This year in 2011 so far no report has been released to update us on the 80 or more core holes that were drilled over the winter of 2010/2011. There is also no mention of the latest core hole drilling program results in the Q-2 report that was released on Friday. The reserve numbers that were stated for 2P and 3P reserves on page 2 were the same numbers that were stated by GLJ Consultants from their 2010 report issued on July 7, 2010. So my question is.......where are the reserve numbers for the 2011 GLJ Reserve Report that were not issued in July, 2011 or is a report not being done this year? Usually improved reserve results released every July are material to Connacher's share price and overall value. Is the latest Reserve Report being with held from shareholders due to the Joint Venture Process that is now underway? Do prospective joint venture partners get the results and not shareholders? Or was no Reserve Report done this year to save money?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Cheers; Scott

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