Thank you rebel for speaking, as you say, on the behalf of everyone. Good to see you running this show and remaining everyone about posters ratings.
Your well crafted reply (or luck of it) in regards to barrel of oil equivalent calculations are very similar to your impersonator Oilbnet from the stockhouse who use to pump the CLL for several years.
Disregard the message and kill the messenger before is to late.
Poor guy discover to late that killing different (than management) point of you did not change the CLL stock performance.
PS. Last day in Yuma. Internet is still slow but the temperature dropped to 37 deg C.
Tomorrow we drive to San Diego and fly to Canada.
PS. let me know if anyone is interested in very reasonable prices for dental work (40 to 60% lower then in Canada). All is done by experienced dental specialist using state of the art technology. Service is just unbelievable.