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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Re: NEWS: Connacher Announces Breakthrough Results From its SAGD+(TM) at Algar

This is not bad news.

If I understood the artickle correctly we will have to wait until they expand this new technic .According to this statement from their announcement.

While solvent recoveries and related production impacts have considerably exceeded expectations, facility modifications would have to be implemented to fully capture and recycle the recovered solvent. Decisions to expand the pilot and to subsequently modify facilities will await a full cycle economic assessment of the project. Prudence in the context of current economic and capital market uncertainty also suggests constrained new investment activity in the short term, until there is evidence of increased clarity on prospective crude oil, solvent and bitumen pricing and the outcome of other business initiatives presently underway which, upon completion, would continue to advance Connacher's overall liquidity initiatives.

If they could use this over the whole plant that would decrease production cost and allow them to receive higher cashflow.Some have suggested they need around 18.000 bpd.

Another positive thing is the fact that insiders have bought a lot of shares recently at prices around current levels.That's been a long time since we have seen that.

Also the Sp 500 and othet major indexes have broken out upwards trough the recent resistance line .I think oil price will follow and will breake out trough the 90 level.

So all this together can support CLL's sp .Specially the news about the solvent technic.By this they can prove it's possible to produce at a higher rate with lower cost due to the decrease in SOR.The latest stall in production ramp up was a reason for the tanking sp as well.

If the Eurozone leaders will finally come to a major sollution for the countries in the Euro stock markets could react possitive .

Something about our DEXIA bank here.From what came out lately that bank which was a very good supported one and a big lender and source of income for the communities has become a trading bank with large exposure to all kinds of derivates and dubious bond participation during last years when they went together with the France holding.These guys were pure gamblers.I think it's better we don't know how a lot of banks are acting with peoples money.Instead of what they used to do with peoples money they had shifted focus to the trading flours resuslting in the troubles they face now.Ultimatly we all will pay the price for that kind of acting from these so greedy and well paid in bonusses guys.The fact it takes so long to solve the Euro crisis is the massive exposure from our banks to some bonds form countries in the Eurozone.

So we only can hope they make a large fist to the financial sector so that the pressure on the countries fades away .If they will safe the € the Germans if they like it or not has to support it heavily or trouble wil spread out all over the world.So let's cross our fingers they will come up next week with something solid then markets will shift focus to something else.

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