Yeah could be .But that bashing and pumping discussion is, more typical on US and Canadian boards then on European.Even if you only put some info to much in positive light or otherways in to negative you get a claim of being a pumper or a basher though a lot or just common small investors all with their own view on a certain stock.A stock market IMO is just a regulated casino with only 2 ways .The moment you buy it can go either up or down.
Don't know why they put so much efforts and time into such events and what in fact is the result after all .Like small investors who loose money so do big funds.Look to the disaster in the European banks which held to much positions in dubious stocks and bonds with high risk.
There are simply no safe stocks.A lot of the so called "good housefather stocks " are disappiered .i think many of the people who, had large positions in the bank sector have a lot of losses these times .
Best investments so far in Belgium is the housing sector.Buy a house and hold it or if it's a second one rent it for a certain time.