Hey I realise that the markets and the price of oil is on a downward trend but CLL has dropped 44% in the last month compared to the 11% the tsx weighted oil and gas composite has declined.
The company is structured with a temporary management tasked with only one option... sell and when that avenue is not going anywhere the investors head for the door.
The board should know by now if a sale at a fair price is attainable and if not lets move forward with structuring this company into a company moving forward to profitablity or maybe the board doesn't believe that is possible.
Hey I have an option for the board, hire a CEO, reduce costs, quit wasting money, find efficiencies and get production up to design... when times get tough I guess it's much easier to sell.
There must be a CEO out there that can fix this company without expansion and adding more debt, when I can't pay my bills I reduce my costs and invest my income wisely and every penny counts or as with CLL every $1000 counts