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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta


Hey Terry

Yeah I know Pam though I was a not a fan of that Bay watch episode.Actually I don't look very much to tv episodes .My wife looks tv and I 'm more a music guy.

Ya in terms of nerves CLL is one of the best you can have.

It's a fact that this stock can swing very hard.Maybe investors have had to much faith in the company an probably a lot thought that their production goals could be reached very quickly but as we know now after following this stock for years it's not such a peace of cake.So with a stock with a 900 mill. debt burden and a production that is moving up very slowly I think it's difficult for starting a strong uptrend .They also make no profit too as for today but their losses are shrinking .

In fact we should better take profit everytime a good news is told or we near Q figures.In terms of % this stocks swings a lot much more then bigger players which need a lot of weeks to move up 10 % whille for CLL it can easily swing 30 to 50 % on some occasion.

I had bought a lot at 0.18 so if I've sold them say at 0.25 it was a nice profit while now we are back to zero.But it's the nature of human I suppose to be to greedy.

I've been in stocks since my 35 years and if I only had taken my profits the right way on all the stocks I've owned I was a very rich guy.When I first started with stocks I used a technical analysis software and I did very well and took profits very quick 10 to 20 %.But like many people you try to go for bigger profits and looked for more risky stocks.Did very well and my amount of stock value went up very quickly.Then I started with option trading puts and calls if you knew that and also turbo's (don't know if that exist in Canada.)But then the collaps came end 1998 and I had a lot of risky positions in options which at the end cost me a lot of all my previous profits.Lukely for me I have invested a very large amount in pension funds and other life insurance funds which are safe investments with vast rate but less attractive but now that I'm nearing 60 I'm glad I did it that way.

Had enough of stocks then for a year or two but started again but never did any option trading anymore.Then I made all my earlier loss into huge profit again with only one stock which went from 5 to almost 100 in 2 years and sold it .Now it's trading below 1 € again.

I then bought a lot of CLL which in the beginning looks very attractive but as for today we came down again from a high of around 5 some years ago to pennies again.As for today it remains a risky stock though there is some chance it can improve and let's hope so.If it can reach 1.8 like in 2010 then all my stakes are in the plus.

Looking at CLL chart since last summer it went up to 0.32 then a fall back to 0.17 and back to around 0.27 for two times so if profits were taken it was a good thing.Now with the Iran conflict that is coming in calmer water oil price has some trouble to go up .But so far it holds ground around current level for quite a while and I think this could be a bottom before moving up if winter sets in again.Normally CLL goes up in this period until March and let's hope it will do it again.I expect some news ,a mid Q update and later the Q 4 figures.So it could be better to take profits on some occasions and then sit back and see what it does.So thumbs up for a nice sprint towards 0.30 maybe by end this year.

PS Saw a documentary about Vancouver in BC in Canada.Wow very nice town and it looks good living there.Seems Canada is not that bad for living.

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