Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta


Hey Terry

Firts I have read also the 14400 bpd but just don't know where the poster had found that info.You know the link or is it just an assumption of him.But indeed production is climbing that's for sure but would like to know if that figure is correct or just a calculation .

About the 0.75 target the poster put forward as a buyout ,I think it was based on production scale by then but if that's realistic I don't know.Sometimes when there is more then one bidder shares can jump fast and even higher then projected but for me I hope CLL can go forward on his own for quite a while now until we reach the 2 zone or even higher.Things can turn in favour if investors became trustfull in their production plan and the possibility they can generate a good cashflow etc..

Can be interesting on next news event what they will do in near term and how production is going.A run towards 0.32 is possible I think based on the 14.400 bpd level if this is true of course.Then I see a next run to 0.5 but could be we first will bounce back once 0.32 is touched .Maybe a quick dip to 0.25 for builiding another attack on 0.32 again to smash it.But of course that's just my interpretation.

I think your order at 0.195 is maybe to low now because we started a small run up and if nothing happens on the markets next week we could move a bit higher again.Past week if was possible because we moved some sideways but now there seems to be a trend shift.

Took a look at MPV chart.Never heard of that company so far but if you take the 10 year chart they seem to stuck between 4 and 6 $ for quite a long time .But I prefer GTE because I follow this a few years and they have a good balance ,no debt and they have a huge proven reserve base and it will climb.It will brake soon watch it.

Also for me I must be carefull not to have a lot of shares in other currencies because you can win on the stock side but loose on the currency .In fact I have to much in cad $ right now.

So Terry let's cross our fingers that this time the gamble is indeed worth the upside.Have a lot of idea's what I'm gonna do with the profit this year.

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