There will not be a standoff. Once Teck officially receives the BFS they will have 120 days to decide - no more no less. At the latest if the BFS is handed to them in Jan, the clock counts down until May 2012. My feeling is Teck will not take all 120days. They may have a partner lined up already cash in hand to make a reasonable offer soon after BFS is released. The problem with waiting the full 120 days is that CUU will continue to prove up more resources and attrack more buyers. If you saw a great deal on sale at a store would you want to wait so more buyers outbid you for it? So long as the BFS has not been delivered yet it becomes a standoff but once it is delivered the clock begins counting down and the pressure will be on. In other words, what I am saying is before BFS Teck does seem to have the upper hand but after BFS CUU will be the one with the upper hand.