Look on SEDI...
Feb 26 2007:
Copper Fox Metals Inc. grants incentive stock options to Employees, Officers, Contractors and Directors
Calgary, February 26, 2007
Guillermo Salazar S, President and CEO of Copper Fox Metals Inc.
(“Copper Fox” or the “Company”) (TSX-Venture CUU) is pleased to announce that the Board of Directors of the Company has approved an incentive stock option plan to Employees, Officers, Consultants and Directors of the Company. The option grants are comprised of two components. The first component is a grant to Contractors for a total purchase of 1,050,000 shares at an exercise price of $0.78 per share,(which represents a 20% discount to the market price on February 23, 2007 of $0.97 and is the maximum allowed pursuant to the rules of the TSX-Venture Exchange) expiring February 25, 2012. The second component is a grant to Officers, Employees and Directors for a total purchase of 1,535,000 shares at an exercise price of $0.97 per share (market price as at February 23, 2007) expiring February 25, 2012. These grants will vest in accordance with the provisions of the Company’s Option Plan.
Elmer will have 100 000 to exercise at 97 cents
Mike will have 225 000 '' ''
As well as the other directors