Lol...Kerry....only with the stocks you really believe in, you should welcome a lower price and not fear it.
This is how I see things: A & B
A) A stock I believe in stays at $1 for a year and get's bought out at 10$
B) A stock I believe in slowly moves from $1 to $3 to $4 etc..and also get's bought out at 10$
I prefer ''A'' mainly because I can buy alot more shares for a long period of time.
In the end the result is the same, what matters is how many shares you own when it's halted....
I do many trades on margin, this is mainly how I accumulated so many shares. The times I make the most money is on the red days or on the bottoms. I keep the money I need and buy more CUU with the money I don't need.
I much prefer buying at $1.25 vs $2, and I much prefer 90 cents vs $1.25
I never sell my own shares, and I will never get caught out of the Teck attack.
Personal choice, but so far so good...