I understand that the boss property and dok are potential billion pound deposits but really I just don't understand why bxx is even a remotely good investment.
First off Billion pound projects dont go too far.....lets talk a billion tonnes...so amplify your figures by 2000 please.
They have what 200 million shares out almost zero cash to drill and soooooo much exploration to do just for a resource estimate.
Dilution always sucks but so to does overanalyzing an explorer.
As far as a resource estimate yout slightly before your time here......all the same if your worried about a resource estimate you obviously have seen the potential.
Someone please explain to me how this stock won't have a reverse split in two years after they have half a million shares out
A reverese split would only solidify this stock in the eyes of the TSX, and if you were to look at the website......you would rest assured theres well over a million shares out.
Someone please explain to me how this stock won't have a reverse split in two years after they have half a million shares out
It wouldnt change your investment if they did.....at this point inconsequential.
Its not all about the geography!
No....it really is....