Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: Timeline and delays

They don't have the document in hand. They have the preliminary and are delaying by revising. Part of that is to get the best numbers possible but part may be to satisfy Teck. We want a document that is flawless so our people can stand behind it but I want the company to tell us about it. Other companies do. We should too. What if Teck backs out? We need something to take to the others who might want a piece. BTW, if they back out we will drop before the market figures out what we really have. So don't be surprised if that happens. Just because we have an expressed interest from Teck doesn't mean they will buy us. They could take a bold action and buy the Ausie iron and be forced to bow out. Look at the surrounding deals they had when they bought Fording.

Those companies took a hit but stayed with the program. We won't. We will have everything in place to go out on our own. I would really like to see how big the south west new zone is and I would like to see at least 2 holes in the North to confirm what we found. The problem is, that without the FS in hand we really can't plan the years work without risk of a total revision. So Elmer needs that to plan what to do next. If a substantial dely was to occur again then we'd have to do a lot more exploration. Elmer did say we had enough data for the report and last years results indicate that we don't really need any more definition drilling for the site.

We are not the only ones asking about Teck. All of the people who go to the Whistler show asked the same questions as last year. "What is Teck going to do". This year they were spurred on more because of the iron rumor. I can see that impacting them. I can see they would get excited because it could potentially mean they get a shot at a bigger financing. It would mean room for more of them and they would get the cover feather in their hats. From my talks over the year(s) with them it seems like we have advanced that to the point that we are ready for Teck to walk. We expect it. Being prepared is what the name of the game is. So a little pain for a gigantic gain.

One thing that has me questioning Elmer's word about the FS is that we have not had an update detailing what the delays are. It's on thing to site contractors informally and another to make changes to the scoping and Not NR us about it. This leaves everyone questioning the deadline.

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