I know this is a little off topic but it sort of fits with some of the other speculation being posted and I think webgogs was kind of touching on this type of scenario in an earlier post. It seems as though many pension funds particularly in Canada have money to deploy in infrastructure in a relatively short time frame and are being sought out by major corporations as partners given that banks are a little less willing or able to finance large deals these days. The link below offers a little snippet as to what OMERS is up to; however, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board is also on record as buying major infrastructure Projects overseas and in the U.S. If I was a betting man I would wager that there is a better than average chance that if webgogs theory of multiple partners in a new mining district holds true then the likelihood of major pension funds possibly getting involved with major mining corporations in a politically and financially stable country increases with every passing day.
Just musing while we wait.