Could someone going to the PDAC ask Jason or preferably Management to define what "realistic" means and how they calculate a "realistic" buy-out price? What specific formula do they use to value the company?
I think it would be very wrong to go there and argue about the price. They will not tell you anything unless they are 100% sure about it. But do you really expect 10 bucks? Come on man!
Of course there are formulas to calculate the value of any mining company (and they are not magic formulas) but we still don't have all the necessary numbers to start calculating. Anything else right now is just speculation or imagination. My advice: you'd be better off aiming for 2 bucks and you will be very happy when you get 3 or 4, that's what I do.
I also talked to people at NCU boot, they had their FS released two weeks ago, please take some time and check the numbers and charts.