The table is "Outstanding Option-Based Awards"
The heading above the table reads: "The following table sets forth, for each director that is not a Named Executive Officer, all option-baased awards outstanding at the end of the most recently completed financial year."
The people in the table are Ernesto E., Erik Koudstaal, David Macdonald and Hector MacKay-Dunn
It is interesting that in this table Ernesto, Erik and David each have 500,000 option with exercise price of $0.145 on 09?30/2014, while Hector who was present at the Vancouver reseource shows has the following"
150,000 exercise price at $0.51 on 07/18/2011
100,000 exercise price at $0.97 on 02/25/2012
150,000 exercise price at $0.45 om 06/24/2013
500,000 exercise price at $0.145 on 09/30/2104
Maybe some of you financial types can comment