Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: MTS and Jason follow-up...

MTS - on March 20 you wrote:

Jason will now respond to my questions in writing so that I might post them here.It seems apparent you have not heard back from Jason.He is, perhaps, too busy fending off disappointed and angry phone calls...It would be nice if he was to respond this coming week. Skyaki


Sent via email to pcg@shaw.ca
24, 2012 1:32 PM

Well Jason, you did say you would write a written reply to me so that I can post it on CUU site when you spoke to me in response to my posting on Agoracom and I've not received anything from you yet. I find it very strange that not one person commented on the fact that you must have read my posting on Agoracom for you to contact me directly about the 'condescending' comment. Do you have an account with Agoracom? Do you post on the Copper Fox site? What is your alias? Thanks,

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 1:02 PM
Subject: I sent this message yesterday to your 'contact us' site
I sent you this message yesterday, via your 'contact us' on your website. I, and many others are anxiously awaiting a reply; and also waiting to see if you reply.
To CUU Management: To say things went to hell in a
: handbasket on March 19 for the ordinary shareholder is a
: huge understatement. The BFS has been promised for more
: than 15 months if my memory serves me correct, and to read
: that is not ready for Q1, after being delayed from Q4
: 2011, is a kick in the stomach. Senior CUU managment has
: lost a lot of credibility, and I'd like some answers:
: exactly where, in as simple an explanation as possible,
: are things at with the BFS?
: why, in the last week, has it suddenly been discovered
: that the BFS will be two months behind. Haven't CUU
: management been keeping on top of things like they said
: they were and promising, and promising, and promising the
: Q1 BFS release?
: when was the last time CUU had a high level meeting with
: Tetra Tech?
: What are Mr. Gray's activities?
: How is Mr. Gray maintaining oversight?
: How often will Mr. Gray be reporting to CUU management?
: How can CUU be sure that everything is being attended to
: at TT?
: How can CUU be absolutely sure that TT is still not
: short-staffed and misleading us? This cannot be good
: public relations for Tetra Tech. In fact, I would have
: thought they may just lose a lot of business over their
: incompetence, and a possible lawsuit might not be out of
: the question given the slamming of CUU's stock into the
: ground.
: It seems to a lot of us that there are extremely
: mysterious reasons for not releasing the Q1 BFS -- so the
: last question --is the non-release of the BFS in any way
: cowtowing to the wishes of Tech?
: As a retired project manager, my job would have been
: forfeit if I'd pulled this stunt on shareholders. And as a
: shareholder of CUU for 3 years now, I would like to have
: these questions answered, please and thank you.
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