In my opinion and I am not trying to bash what so ever just add perspective as always.
If they with the exception of Hector come out of this unconfirmed blackout they get to buy for a dime less. With a possible PP coming and if it was to come and the sp drops we might ask why are they purchasing it for more than the market price? I for one would be scratching my head wondering who was driving this ship. I am not trying to create a fuss but it seems some have lost focus of the end game. If Cuu was higher I guess it would make sense to consider this but I think some were even discussing a drop to .80. I for one would be in favor in of a decrease so I can move my avg down.
Still long yet not as long and here to the end
trying not confuse and I have sent agoracom a email to remove rockstarpdx from my IP stay tuned
soncho /rockstarpdx