Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: Future

Wrong! I am 100% sure that TECK will back in 75% since they have to pay only 1/20 of the real price for it. If they don't want it (or any other reason) they can sell it and still make a huge profit. So in that case Teck will have to pay around $300 M to CUU and that money could be used for further drillings and other expansions on our own properties

No, that's all wrong.

TECK will back in 75% since they have to pay only 1/20 of the real price for it

It will cost Teck more money if they back in 75% vs buying CUU out before Feasibility. They are also adding alot more risk to themselves during the process. Everything is explained below.

they can sell it and still make a huge profit.

Teck can't sell what they don't own....CUU owns 100% even if Teck backs in 75%. Teck must first earn it's interest by completely spending $300M, they must bring Schaft Creek into prodction under 4 years or lose all they have done. And during all that time they don't even have any voting shares / control.

Teck will have to pay around $300 M to CUU

Teck does not pay $300 M to CUU at all. Teck must spend $300M on Schaft Creek and bring it to production while still fininacing 100% of CUU's portion. In the end (assuming Teck earns it's interest) 75% of that $300M would hav gone to Teck and 25% would have been spent on CUU's portion. Since you can't divide these portions like a cake, consequently the whole value of Schaft Creek goes up proportionately to the % each would own.

Therefore by not buying out CUU before Teck spends the expenditure money, Teck is pushing the value of CUU's 25% up with it's (Tecks) own money. Makes no sens eh.

By not buying out CUU before they back in, Teck is self imposing itself with a very very tight timeline. Impossible if you ask me.

By not buying out CUU before Feasibility, they are not getting any control over anything until the $300M is spent. And if They don't spend it under 4 years, they lose everything.

During this whole process they also risk the fact that CUU can sell the agreement, with the same terms, to another.

So again, if Teck is such great poker player they better play ball and act before Feasibility. Personally I hope they suck at poker.

Until that moment, CUU will continue activity as if they own 100% of this project and Teck doesn't exist.

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