We have been around this question dozens of times
The price will not be predicated on the market valuations
That works when the bulk of the shares are in the hands of enough folks willing to take a market premium to make a trading profit
It is a price that may or not have any relatiponship whatsoever to the actual resources of the target company
Enough "traders" satisfied with a few nickels over what thet paid and boom, next dirt scratch du jour
The share ownership structure of CUU will not permit a market premium game
In order to accomplish the takeover, Teck must satisfy Ernesto, the insiders and the group of longs, who own about 70% of the shares, and have been following all of the company developments and are well aware of what is represented by this resource
They will not accept a fraction of the worth of this thing in order to trade elsewhere
The market valuation will be a non-factor in the actual negotiations because it doesn't begin represent the worth of the assets when any realistic economic standard is applied