Greetings to all..
All opinions notwithstanding, the one catalyst many seem not to take into consideration is the fact that uno persona, and that individual only, will have the final say as to what the final outcome will be vis-a-vis any future direction of our company (CUU)...i.e., Mr. Ernesto F. Echavarria ...
The man knows exactly what the probabilities are for future developments in this "district"..
As such, expect that Teck will only be able to exercise their 75% max ...There will be NO CUU takeover...
CUU will retain its ~25% interest...
Perhaps self-evident...
Say, you owned what Mr. Echavarria owned and while at the same time had an indepth understanding of the future possibilities of the remaining mostly unexplored areas of the SC property, would you trade off your ownership for what you consider to be a pittance...
I wouldn't ... Nor do I think Mr. Echavarria would either...
So, what I feel we'll see happening here is that:
1) Teck will come back into the fold with their offer of 75%
2) CUU will retain their ~25% ownership (this is a given)
3) Tech and/or CIC (or another entity) will JV that 75% - 17% or whatever...
4) CUU will again JV with Teck and any of their JV partners as the exploration arm for this particular district...
5) Mr. Echavarria will be offered a postion on the board of Teck...
Hey...If you were Mr. Echavarria, would you have a problem with this type of scenario..??
When you say CUU won't be taken over DOT DOT sounds like a soft bash. It makes it worse when your reasoning lacks any DD in CUU and the back in option they hold with Teck.
To continue what you said about Teck taking 75% and leaving CUU with 25%.
What happened to the 4x expenditures? The financing of the mine and construction in 4 years? You just automatically think there is a JV?
And WHY would you think that EE would get a position on Teck's board? Teck is a $20B company. Just because EE holds a majority ownership in CUU doesn't mean he can get on Teck's board.