There is only one claim of significance (866909). It is highighted in this map
or View Tenure (gov map viewer)
It is located in the direction of the mighty Schaft Creek Mineralized Trend in the spike of CUU claims to the far north of Schaft Creek deposit.
The other 6 claims are roughly about 17 hectares each more or less. They are the odds and sods that fill in the little spaces between CUU 's 'spike' of claims and Edziza Provincial Park. Each square metre of the Trend must be precious.
Although these 7 claims aren't huge, it is part of a history of CUU gobbling all the land it can get in line with its claim and the north to south Mineralized Trend. We've know about it since we bought the G/K claims last March.
Land buying and staking in our area just started accelerating a few months ago. Something happened at some point to ignite on the real estate boom. That same something also seemed to ingnite Teck. Was it little DDH 422 and the Discovery Zone? That assay was released in mid Feb 2012....
This is getting more interesting all the time.