Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: CUU-2

Interesting thought Chunky - but I am wondering about Liard (Elmer is on the board now) or maybe even Boxxer be considered in this senario as or instead of CUU-2 ? Gotta love this mystery as it starts to unfold, the mist is slowly clearing away. cheers Topaz.

Company Overview

Liard Copper Mines Limited is based in Canada. The company operates as a subsidiary of Teck Resources Limited.

Liard Copper Mines Limited Appoints Elmer B. Stewart to the Board of Directors
Dec 12 11

Teck Resources Limited invited Elmer B. Stewart to join the board of directors of Liard Copper Mines Limited. The annual general meeting of shareholders of Liard was held on November 30, 2011 at which time, Mr. Stewart's appointment as director was approved by the shareholders of Liard.

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