If you are buying a % your offer would be structured to accomodate the payouts. Most people would think a bidding war would only take place after the bak in was declared. It doesn;t have to be that way. What is required is an agreed legal statement of the contract between us and Teck. That part needs to be clear for any buy outs including the Teck back in.
You heard Elmer discuss the inclusion areas and say the too high price scenario would not develop. That show cooperation with respect to vague terms. It has to be that way or the spirit of the agreement is violated. We do not want a legal battle with Teck ever. So terms must be and will be agreed to. Once that's done it's open season. A long time ago the company said that they were working on this understanding and a few year later we do not have the full details made public. This is also true for the area of interest. It is high time they did just that.