IIetea, thanks for the response. I may be an optimist, but to me thats better than seeing a boogey man behind every door. trading/investing is harder now with programs, frequent trading and, in my opinion, a lack of oversight regarding naked shorts etc. but on the plus side, there was a time when all I had to go on was the Globe and Mail. now we have incredible tools for research and no reason to invest blind.
I used $4 because many others here do, personally I have always said $3 and hope for a nice suprise. was just trying not to upset anyone. $3 will also make some here millionaires.
EE has 54% and the other insiders bring the total to approx. 64%. with the longs lets take that to 70% or so. that leaves 120 million shares outstanding, considerably more than many companys have in total.
When we have interest in this co. I've seen 8 million shares change hands in a session. now that we are close to a decision that TCK can't avoid, regardless of the state of the market/world we are trading less than 300,000/day. the market should be picking up on the fact that a change in the status of CUU is near. I would expect more action similar to the early part of last year. it's good to exchange our thoughts like this....chunky