"I phoned in recently and was told that there were good initial results on the drilling so far.
I also called and regarding the Aerials, told me they found everything they were looking for and that they never go out there looking for nothing. Take that the way you want.
Now I leave 1 day and come back to a depressed board...geez relax ! I like the silence..it's a good thing.
It's AGM week. CUU's gone all week, left yesterday for Prince George, political meetings (Pat Bell). Vancouver tomorrow business meetings and AGM Thursday.
The precision geosurvey report was sent directly to Mira Geoscience...hmm 4 weeks ago and so have the spectral images, why ? Because Mira is said to be the best, the Cadillac in the field. Head office in Australia, they are an international consortium of certified knowledge experts.
CUU must have decided to just send them eveything 2010-2011-2012 data and let them do their thing. 1 big grand final interpretation for Teck. (while CUU's drilling the targets)
So now we know that drills could be very positive (tks prospeckt), great , they've seen enough cores to know what they have, consitency. And the results will just back up what the experts at Mira show and tell. Maybe eveything at once.
The feasibility is coming, Septembre is getting closer. The cost to produce will be Negative and blow Teck's 4 copper mine $1.60 average away. That's what will move us, and if Teck wants a partner, that's what they're waiting for.
This is why you bought , this is why you waited this long...and you're lucky it got better and Teck will take it all (that's why CUU bought the Arizona land).
Non-executive Insiders are still buying, the others are still blacked out and as I posted yesterday we have signs from both CUU and Teck coming out of our BEEP.
Things should flow after AGM.