Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: The bottom line hasn't changed

I forgot to reiterate one point, a recent positive development that someone else mentioned earlier today: Teck has gobbled up all sorts of land around Schaft Creek. What is their plan? They're going to surround Copper Fox with their big guns and tell Elmer and co. to come out with their hands up?

"We know you've got the bulk of the gold in there... and the copper, and the silver and the molybdenum and the rhenium. Give it up, Elmer and Ernesto. Back away nice and slow!"

Anyway, we know a certain someone on this board has turned sour on this investment all of a sudden (AGAIN)! But, let's remember that same individual has streaks of optimism that go through the roof. The very same guy posted this on March 21:

This is just the start. We have already found game changing data that franky could justify a complete re-write of the whole project. There was a better way to structure the mine. You wonder why we are taking out the claims in the small valleys to the west? Zoom google earth out a bit. You want serious gains, this is the way to achieve that. You have not been ripped off, you are being delayed while they figure out what to do with this godsend. It may be tough but the pains will be worth it.

Look at the top 10 copper producers. Look at the concentrates they put out and what they contain and ask yourself where our concentrates fit in. Is it fair to rebuke Elmer on this one? I say no and I'm a sharp critic when it's appropriate. I once wrote the title Copper Fox to Copper Flop! You all know what I've said in the past. So consider that I'm giving him support on this one. We are about to add 10 Billion to the project. I kid you not. In addition we are going to show everyone what's in the 20 km conductor which is indeed the controlling stucture that produced the main zone! The root is not in the Paramount. That is the collection bowl. It's bounded by a fault structure to the south. (Hickman intrusion). That leave 1 place left. I expect it will conform to the descriptions I've given in the past. I have changed my mind somewhat on what the mineral distribution will be. I'm 90% sure it will be more silver instead of gold. This will force the silver data into any consideration. I was right about the 1600+ gram silver hit. I expected more gold like 2oz a ton and it could happen, yet there's no harm $ wise if it's pounds of silver. We're between Galore and Rainbow Creek owned by Paget. High silver... off trend ... ok I can accept that. (I really do expect more gold. It's gotta be there.)

Lastly, I have not changed my mind on Mess Creek and Paget. (We are probably buying them.) No, Elmer didn't leak anything to me on this subject. I think the geology supports the conclusion. Paget has been mum so far. Not a peep out of them. I thought they were going under but now I think the silence has another reason. The man power changes there support this. There's so much more I could say but I'd get called too cryptic or bi-polar so in the face of potential rejection I'll stop here. (The wife's glaring at me to get off the computer) lol

I tend to believe this version of webgogs knows best.

Jul 19, 2012 09:30AM
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