Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: AGM

IMHO, I think the biggest delay in the BFS last year was due to the fact that they hired AMEC to do their RE. From what I understand the engineers at AMEC delayed and delayed the RE because they did not want to sign off on including the silver in the RE. That was the biggest point of contention b/n CUU management and AMEC and as a result caused numerous delays in getting the RE and hence the BFS done on time. A further delay in BFS was also the result of TT being understaffed.

So while I do agree with some posters that management should have been more forthright with investors concerning these unfortunate delays, I truly now believe these issues are behind us now and that we will be getting a first rate BFS done on time ( Sept ). They have run out of excuses now and I think management know this is the time they have to shine or die.

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