TGR: Before we conclude, is there another area you would recommend?
LR: British Columbia is really coming back into the forefront. Not a lot of investors have appreciated the significance of what's happening in British Columbia.
TGR: Well, it has infrastructure. It is politically stable. There are a fair amount of new discoveries going on.
LR: It's one of the most highly prospective geologic areas. It has had a lot of work done in the past, and there are many companies that are now building on that historic work. In fact, I'm working now on a special issue of a newsletter devoted to British Columbia.
TGR: In terms of new extraction techniques?
LR: In terms of companies that are building on work that was conducted in the province in the past. Until recently, it was perceived as having no value, but this might end up being one of the most significant porphyry copper-gold prospects anywhere. There are a lot of situations like this in British Columbia. The province was explored pretty thoroughly in the 1970s and 1980s but at that time, the grades that the enterprises were coming up with weren't high enough to be economic in the context of metal prices. But now the gold price in the last decade is six times higher and the copper price is six times higher. Situations that had little value a decade ago are now highly prospective.