Are you sure it was in the context of being to low? there a chance he was laughing at it being to high?
He was laughing as being to low.
Someone had mentionned 3.75 and when I asked ELmer, he said ''giggle , giggle, so they only value us at 1.5 Billion hahahaha''
That was the conversation.
And you have David who bought up to $2.72, and Stifel who has an average price of $2.40,
Now remember, CUU has a choice here, in fact ,many choices. Teck on the other hand has 1 choice.
What Teck does have alot of is competitors. Competitors that would love to use the 4 year clause against Teck, that would love the voting shares/ control as Teck tries to earn it's interest in time, and that would love the the financing and 400% expenditures that comes with it.
And the District. This is not just about Schaft Creek anymore.
I know Elmer and he will never mention a price of something unless that something is proven or released (magnetic, Titam , Mira, Discover zone assay are not yet released)
PS: I think this is the last week to get them at these prices. Multiple people have confirmed Feasibility is on time.
Monday you have 14 trading days left to the last day of summer.
And we still wait for Mira and 4 discovery zone holes.......