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CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: Teck talk - How big is too big?

Teck would be putting up far too much to buy it all. Suppose SC and area of interst went for 3 billion. (Double the lowest estimate). That's 8 billion just to get going. The theories of back in and sell are restricted by our rights and not enough attention has been give to that. I don't even consider a timeline for expenses to be that big of a deal. The JV requirement is bigger. Why would we sell our free ride to them cheap? Do the math. The cheapest funding is going to be about 3%. It will take 10 years to begin paying it down and another 10 to pay it off. That's a whole lotta moola just in interest. Now look at the on the ground expenses in terms of management costs. Who's covering that? Yup, Teck of course. Again, add 4 million. The ist goes on and on. Using ROV for the contract and PIG (Pounds in Ground) you come up with the astounding 4 billion (as in my calculations). Factor in a QE too and don't forget the social contracts and power. All of that has to be managed. From the human resource expense you can see that there are a number of things in the Capex that are free rides for us. Since none of our guys are mine builders just what will they do for 5 years? Patronage appointments like Elmer to Liard? You see where I'm going with this. (I should also give credit to my other team members but you guys like the first person.)

So we're drilling then we're stopping and now we're drilling again? That was far to short of a turn around for this to be anything short of an outside interest. I bet we kybosh Arizona and refocus on the birds in hand. We have a Rainbow type opportunity here. Will this effect SC and it's impending sale? Nope. I would be thrilled to see that. Yes Arizona has the virgin feel to it and could have had some US support for our sp but really, we may have just hit a big gold system.

I still stand by my theory that the root is west on line 6360000. http://www.copperfoxmetals.com/i/maps/SchaftCreek_ABGPS.jpg I believe that what we have is a ring of deposits. The fact that PGS's Rainbow exists and Red Chis and other surface results I read about exist suggest that I'm right. It's just that the area we are talking about is huge. Our SW find is another indication of the true scale of our district. Another 2 miles west and a bit north there should be more. The US has some interesting statistical info on our area that I pointed to before. Modernize it with our current info and you get a nice picture forming. It's not chance that deep rich gold is being found near by. (120km radius) I expect our trent goes all the way to GJ as I said before. And now, we are getting more proof. Elmer the conservative is by nature far more cautious. He wants the mine in his hand before he'll declare it's mineable. lol. Come on man throw me a bone. Take a small bore to the SW and drill us a hole. Returning to the map. See the 2 X's opposit the area in grey. This needs attention. Also the valley to the north along 6364000 in the upper left quadrant. See the little orange area. (Kinda shaped like Itali). That needs some ground work. We need to know the chemical make up there to see if that was a drain point. If these suppositions produce fruit then the idea of a counter clock wise rotation of the Mega District is probably true. I'd rather shoot and miss than never know.

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