Thanks Vette, it's the 4 year clause that Cathy agreed was uncertain. Golf said he had it in writing so I'm not arguing, just would like to be certain of it.....chunky
I'm just going by what Mike and Elmer say and nobody else. Sometimes Cathy or Lynn are carefull about what they can or can't say, they play it safe.
Even more so with the 4 year clause, this was something I discovered because they slipped during one of my discussions with them. Nobody would have known about this even today.
For me the 4 year clause is ''THE'' dagger in the back pocket. They'll only use it if they have to, but won't take it out and threaten Teck with it. That wouldn't be very professional. What's important is all involved know it's there.
Commercial production in 4 years max....ouff...snow, man power shortage, material orders delayed, back orders, and other issues can come along.
We have a recording here, (still on their website below) with Elmer admiting to the 4 year clause and commercial production.