Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: Re: Sombrero and Van Dyke (MUST READ ALL)
Sep 10, 2012 10:26PM

You like those Sombrero results eh...

Well those are just from 8 of the 25 breccias pipes....(Make sure to read the HISTORY Section at the bottom of this post)

''At least 25 breccia pipes were located in the Sombrero Butte area and between 2006 and 2008; 34 drillholes were completed to test 8 of the mineralized breccia pipes. The mineralization in these breccia pipes remains open at depth.''

''Field work has also identified 12 breccia pipes exhibiting dickite in the altered breccia matrix. Dickite is an indicator mineral which forms under acidic and high temperature conditions, and occurs in multiple porphyry copper deposits, including the nearby San Manuel mine. ''

''These additional breccia pipes occur in a separate cluster located three kilometers further south covering an area of 1 kilometer by 1.6 kilometers. These breccias exhibit hydrothermal alteration (dickite) filling open spaces between angular breccia clasts and sheeted tourmaline-quartz veinlets.''


I had a conversation with Elmer on those. Yes he likes the pipes but, he said, he's more interested in what's under the pipes, what's feeding them....He thinks something very big and rich under there. So do the History books....Read below.

HISTORY (8%-6% - low grade ???)

The Sombrero Butte property was last worked during the period 1915-1920, whereafter it languished due to a dispute with an adjoining mining company. Since mining work began on the property in 1917, the claims at Sombrero Butte have been divided between adversarial owners. Initially these groups were the Sunset Mining Company and the neighboring Magma Chief Copper Company.


Past production from the Magma Chief Mine, according to a report in the June 1919 issue of the Arizona Mining Journal included "136 tons of sorted ore averaging 21.8% copper with 4 ounces of silver".


". At the competing Sunset Mining Company, the same article in the Arizona Mining Journal describes that a "low grade dump assays 6% to 8%" copper.


In 2003, John and Fred Rothermel of Silver Nickel Mining Company purchased two patented claims and staked an additional 17 claims surrounding the patents. Then they brought their package to Bell. The Company then completed its land package through the Magma Chief purchase and additional staking.

This purchase represents the first consolidation of this group of claims since mining began in 1917. The formerly competing claim groups divided a cluster of at least 20 copper-bearing breccia pipes, which are now held entirely by Bell Copper.


At Sombrero Butte, breccia pipes are present across the entire extent of the property, so it is conceivable that the breccias reflect the footprint of an underlying porphyry copper system. Previous operators conducted detailed geological, geochemical and geophysical studies on the property in the late 1990's and documented the presence of a multi-phase porphyry intrusive complex.


Experience in the district suggests that some of the breccia pipes, especially the ore-grade pipes, are in fact blind to the present surface.


The Company will continue to test these numerous breccias as well as explore for the suspected deep seated porphyry source for the breccias.

Sep 11, 2012 01:02AM
Sep 11, 2012 01:14AM
Sep 11, 2012 01:19AM
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