I hadn't thought too much about that RT... but I thought the 2011 (and 12?) Resource Estimate really narrowed down the ore body to what was mineable (that's how we lost some tonnage). That said, the new mine plan would trump the 2011 block model so there could be some trimmage around the edges to concentrate on the most efficient, safe, economic removal of the best rock with the least amount of barren rock.
I might have to change some of my calculations but I suspect that they would get better with a more targeted ore body. I suspec the grades at the edges are the weakest so the trimmage will improve the overall average grade for the life of the mine. The life of the mine would be a bit shorter too.
Q. for the guys who talked to CUU: Any discussion of this year's Titan work? How much was done or where it might have covered?
I thought we were waiting on 1 more full core (DDH 428 or 430?) and two partial/failed cores?