Why buy Properties in AZ?
A: Geographic and drilling season diversity for CUU 2.0 (depths and insurance for CUU 2.0)
Why did TCK stake 75,000 Ha btw us and Galore?
A: Cheap (~$150k) strategic play by TCK to secure area adjacent to Galore and Schaft. The sum of Teckland & Galore & SC together is more than the sum of the 3 individual claims. Allows Teck to say: we acquired SC which is adjacent to our Galore + Teckland and we control the district. Gives Teck almost unlimited options for exploration and waste storage for the three properties.
Why did we stop drilling mid-season?
A: in CUU's words: "The 2012 programme was a success..." ;)
Why fill only 2.5 million of an "up-to" 4 million PP?
A: Directors limiting dilution as discussed earlier, BFS bills are finishing up, no need for the cash right now. Maybe hoping that post BFS, better PP environment.
Why has the BFS seemingly been "in the bottom of the 9th inning with 2 out and 2 strikes" for weeks/months yet still never gets released?
A. Still 3 more 'balls' to be thrown before we take 1st base. Timelines are our biggest shortfall.
Why do insiders STILL have un-exercised, in-the-money stock options that should have expired in FEBRUARY of this year (> 6 months ago)?
A. can only assume blackout.
Make whatever conclusions you want, the fact is this company has been acting strangely...
A: Correct and we have been since the BFS fiasco this spring