Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: Fair value and delays

My continued 2 cents...

The BFS has been "around the corner" for some time now. However, if we reach a point where the BFS is or must be released, then a couple things should occur.

1<The share price should correct upward since (by all indicators) this is going to be an economic deposit. We already know it is a strategic deposit (Canadian, port access, NTL access) and should have essentially no encumbrances – i.e. native land claim disputes, environmental issues, etc. Finally, Teck’s position will get flushed out into the open which has value too.

Together, all of this is absolutely worth many times $1.0x a share.

2<Once we put out he BFS, we do lose some control over the pace of events.

Teck knows the “market” of potential suitors for CUU is relatively small, and there are a limited number of pathways to a liquidity event. If Teck isn’t “ready”, especially if they form part of different pathways (i.e. Teck + any other partner). there may actually be few unique options for CUU to sell quickly or conveniently. I’m not saying they don’t or shouldn’t want us. I would if I were them and that’s why I bought in! But our ability to get a good price is only as good as our options and Teck will know this and it might be used to tamp down the offer price in some way we can’t anticipate. Just a thought.

You’d think GOOD SOLID BFS = QUICK SALE to anyone mining company with half a brain, but then should have been snapped up already, so what’s afoot?

If the liquidity event takes longer than expected or it evolves and gets complex, that could dent our share price because we drift into uncertain territory again..

We need motivated buyers to take the whole thing of our hands for a tidy price. If we drop the BFS but for whatever reason conditions aren’t favourable to quickly translate this into the liquidity event, we may find ourselves waiting again.

Perhaps considering this, Ernesto and co. prefer to push for a quick deal with Teck, even if it means slowing the BFS pace to ensure Teck is going to be ready when we are?


To your point.. this can only go on so long. At some point it must drop. I am only speculating as to possible reasons for the continued delay. A November BFS could well be the next move... If so, the post-BFS share price will climb unless something has gone horribly wrong (…and I doubt that very much).

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