Agreed RT, Moly prices are not going where we want them and moly is a significant proportion of our value.
In a perfect world all 4 (5 with Rhenium) metal prices would be spiking right now. That's the beauty of a polymetalic deposit - there is some buffering of individual fluctuations in metal markets. In general, I'm quite happy with current metal prices.
BRoF brings up a good point about selecting a point in time to say: "these are the final ore prices we will use". I think the prices can be left flexible until the very very last iteration of the economic calculations. I'd guess that they can wait until a week or so before signg things off before cementing the numbers. Ive see a lot of PEA's with very current pricing (to the week of the NR) and some can be rather opportunistic in terms of timing.
Current 3 yr prices: Cu $3.68, Au $1473, Ag $28.46
Does anyone have 3 yr price for Moly - maybe a recent PEA/FS?