Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: Predictions
Nov 23, 2012 07:24AM
Nov 23, 2012 07:30AM
Nov 23, 2012 09:01AM
Nov 23, 2012 09:04AM

original post by BurningRof

Sorted by Date
Poster Date Share Price
moxam 1-Aug-12 $7.53
Todor777 7-Aug-12 $4.77
beancliff 8-Aug-12 $5.10
deeppocket83 10-Aug-12 $8.00
Moguely 13-Aug-12 $4.28
skyraider 14-Aug-12 $9.50
Janer1 15-Aug-12 $6.75
Spitfire191 15-Aug-12 $6.87
BurningRoF 20-Aug-12 $3.30
hlc58 20-Aug-12 $4.75
MES 20-Aug-12 $3.90
Silverlining 21-Aug-12 $6.45
contrarian2 22-Aug-12 $3.97
Liddy77 22-Aug-12 $7.90
treborjim 23-Aug-12 $7.50
bruins 24-Aug-12 $3.75
chunkytoast 24-Aug-12 $3.25
dwight 24-Aug-12 $4.89
Prospekt 26-Aug-12 $5.37
Lone Star 28-Aug-12 $5.65
pikerel 31-Aug-12 $7.00
cbew 31-Aug-12 $7.68
Rock_Pile 31-Aug-12 $4.51
CanadaGrant 3-Sep-12 $4.19
Gusto44 3-Sep-12 $4.67
Lois Denominator 4-Sep-12 $3.52
Cu63 4-Sep-12 $5.50
CK Dexter Haven 5-Sep-12 $5.50
cuuvette350 9-Sep-12 $7.00
sharp662 10-Sep-12 $4.25
Abullion 11-Sep-12 $7.00
Chappy726 12-Sep-12 $3.65
Jewelz 12-Sep-12 $5.57
RabidTiger 13-Sep-12 $3.00
golfyeti 15-Sep-12 $6.95
lowedw 15-Sep-12 $4.44
Metacomet 15-Sep-12 $4.50
art75 17-Sep-12 $5.17
realcdn 17-Sep-12 $5.00
Riskkee 17-Sep-12 $3.10
tommy2tone 17-Sep-12 $5.25
jafcan 18-Sep-12 $3.75
kodi 18-Sep-12 $5.68
JayJ 21-Sep-12 $4.20
koala 21-Sep-12 $7.00
Zircarg 24-Sep-12 $5.00
Accountant007 29-Sep-12 $3.25
cpac 30-Sep-12 $6.75
maxwelg2 30-Sep-12 $3.65
Pat66 30-Sep-12 $5.50
KrAzY_likeA_Fox 1-Oct-12 $6.25
The_Iceman 1-Oct-12 $4.07
Pindundrjeep911 4-Oct-12 $6.60
mcsweep 5-Oct-12 $4.30
herbie1 7-Oct-12 $5.48
Wotan 15-Oct-12 $2.90
buckaroo35 22-Oct-12 $4.50
chops 28-Oct-12 $3.50
neofight 1-Nov-12 $3.45
walkingzombie 1-Nov-12 $5.00
IIetea 7-Nov-12 $8.80
brad129 18-Nov-12 $5.60
bablitz 26-Nov-12 $4.83
YourNadir 4-Dec-12 $3.27
serafin 15-Dec-12 $3.77
stomper 15-Jan-13 $3.65
simc1 16-Jan-13 $3.39
dsikorsk 17-Jan-13 $2.37
cranecrane 20-Jan-13 $3.00
oooga 12-Mar-13 $5.54
Average 25-Sep-12 $5.09
Median 15-Sep-12 $4.86
Most # of Occurances 17-Sep-12 $7.00
Sorted by Price
Poster Date Share Price
dsikorsk 17-Jan-13 $2.37
Wotan 15-Oct-12 $2.90
cranecrane 20-Jan-13 $3.00
RabidTiger 13-Sep-12 $3.00
Riskkee 17-Sep-12 $3.10
Accountant007 29-Sep-12 $3.25
chunkytoast 24-Aug-12 $3.25
YourNadir 4-Dec-12 $3.27
BurningRoF 20-Aug-12 $3.30
simc1 16-Jan-13 $3.39
neofight 1-Nov-12 $3.45
chops 28-Oct-12 $3.50
Lois Denominator 4-Sep-12 $3.52
Chappy726 12-Sep-12 $3.65
maxwelg2 30-Sep-12 $3.65
stomper 15-Jan-13 $3.65
bruins 24-Aug-12 $3.75
jafcan 18-Sep-12 $3.75
serafin 15-Dec-12 $3.77
MES 20-Aug-12 $3.90
contrarian2 22-Aug-12 $3.97
The_Iceman 1-Oct-12 $4.07
CanadaGrant 3-Sep-12 $4.19
JayJ 21-Sep-12 $4.20
sharp662 10-Sep-12 $4.25
Moguely 13-Aug-12 $4.28
mcsweep 5-Oct-12 $4.30
lowedw 15-Sep-12 $4.44
buckaroo35 22-Oct-12 $4.50
Metacomet 15-Sep-12 $4.50
Rock_Pile 31-Aug-12 $4.51
Gusto44 3-Sep-12 $4.67
hlc58 20-Aug-12 $4.75
Todor777 7-Aug-12 $4.77
bablitz 26-Nov-12 $4.83
dwight 24-Aug-12 $4.89
realcdn 17-Sep-12 $5.00
walkingzombie 1-Nov-12 $5.00
Zircarg 24-Sep-12 $5.00
beancliff 8-Aug-12 $5.10
art75 17-Sep-12 $5.17
tommy2tone 17-Sep-12 $5.25
Prospekt 26-Aug-12 $5.37
herbie1 7-Oct-12 $5.48
CK Dexter Haven 5-Sep-12 $5.50
Cu63 4-Sep-12 $5.50
Pat66 30-Sep-12 $5.50
oooga 12-Mar-13 $5.54
Jewelz 12-Sep-12 $5.57
brad129 18-Nov-12 $5.60
Lone Star 28-Aug-12 $5.65
kodi 18-Sep-12 $5.68
KrAzY_likeA_Fox 1-Oct-12 $6.25
Silverlining 21-Aug-12 $6.45
Pindundrjeep911 4-Oct-12 $6.60
cpac 30-Sep-12 $6.75
Janer1 15-Aug-12 $6.75
Spitfire191 15-Aug-12 $6.87
golfyeti 15-Sep-12 $6.95
Abullion 11-Sep-12 $7.00
cuuvette350 9-Sep-12 $7.00
pikerel 31-Aug-12 $7.00
koala 21-Sep-12 $7.00
treborjim 23-Aug-12 $7.50
moxam 1-Aug-12 $7.53
cbew 31-Aug-12 $7.68
Liddy77 22-Aug-12 $7.90
deeppocket83 10-Aug-12 $8.00
IIetea 7-Nov-12 $8.80
skyraider 14-Aug-12 $9.50
Average 25-Sep-12 $5.09
Median 15-Sep-12 $4.86
Most # of Occurances 17-Sep-12 $7.00
Nov 23, 2012 09:18AM
Nov 23, 2012 09:22AM
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