Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: CUU Valuation

I see Elmer as a conservative straight shooter, and a seasoned veteran real good at finding metal and trendlines in the ground.

Subsequent to old numbers, he was quoted as articulating concern that "they won't believe the numbers".

The good news ... perhaps his concern became a reality and those numbers were put under a microscope to confirm ... thus causing extra delay.

Given the past indicators that we have all tossed around many times, and the unusually long period of silence, (without any NR, or real answers from head office) I'd have to say all involved are gagged and a deal with Teck (et al) is imminent.

The manipulators have left, the shorters are scared, the day traders are nervous, and it seems like the sentiment is to 'let the chips fall where they may.'

The trading silence is deafening.

Insiders aren't budging.

Now based on old numbers that were believable and accepted, we ran to 2.75.

With 'unbelievable numbers' that we may soon see as believed, (by Teck et al) I see no reason why 2.75 wouldn't be a realistic base case market valuation.

I don't believe markets lie. Yes, just a number but the market once valued us at 2.75 or thereabouts.

The market knows. Tax loss selling will be done in a couple of weeks.

Right now, I'd be happy with a 60% premium from 2.75 with a little extra for future potential and the non issue mining environment CUU offers, in a politically stable and mining friendly country.

In 2013, I think we are worth more.

It looks like metal valuations are going to be higher ... as well as the economic climate.

And copper is short, and it's price may run. (showing evidence now)

Given these scenarios, I'd be inclined to think it reasonable to expect even more for our shares.

I'd take our valuation in Teck shares too. Their ducks are aligning to make them a world leading, diversified, and model mining company with their bank account in order.

There will be no problem liquidating Teck shares when you want to cash out.

All that said, what is the true value of your CUU shares?

I'd bet that you'd be wise to hold as long as it takes, or as long as you can possibly stand given your situation.

Don't let fear or emotion dictate how you manage your investments.

Go with the facts.

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