Last year this time
posted on
Dec 19, 2012 11:14PM
In 2011 we were waiting for the bfs and were told on the week of the 15th nothing wud happen before years end. Is the staff in the office this week? And if they are why. I have come to accept Stewart has misled us on purpose about his time lines. Missing by a week or two I can accept. A whole year. Defend him all you want with what is starting to sound like tall tales. He has put nothing into a nr to confirm or deny. I gave blind faith to Elmer Stewart and his team, I am holding onto the idea there is value in the resource and the original agreement with Tck. As time passes I become more skeptic and I am starting to look out for signs of deceit and wrong doing.. I do not wish to suffer the same fate of some predecessors where lies snowballed to out of control avalanches in the Canadian mining history. No nr from the management this late in the year ticks me off. Not even a happy holidays from them. I am holding on to my shares and please do not confuse my position. This is thrilling to think the possible outcome and I will shrug this waiting off but I will probably avoid anything Stewart puts his name to if this goes for less than 6. These are the Reasons why we get premiums on mining stock investments. Total High risk. Or have we all been fooling ourselves. Libby has either lied about the conversation with Stewart or Stewart lied to Libby. Hmmmmmm. I wonder.