I think if you are talking 3 to 5 % of 60 billion insitu your share price may be a little higher than 3.25. Just saying. Hoping for a couple of good days. Just a thought perhaps if the insiders are not buying they may be in a blackout as discussions could be moving? Money never stops. Although many may go on holidays these negots only need a couple of individuals and lawyers. I know Elmer said everyone is out of blackout come Monday. TMX listed 10000 bucks worth but no listing or Canadian insider. Who knows? I am not sure how the NDA works but how was Elmer to answer about blackout. If he says everyone is still in a blackout everyone assumes negots are on. He says they are not in a blackout come Thursday and no one jumps in at 70 Cents knowing what they know? Remember all these calculations are for the SC area alone. Again look at a door the door handle represents SC the rest of the door is our area that we own 100% oh and lets not forget Teck staked 80 hectares around us for what?