I would like to thank you all for your informative and sometimes entertaining posts. I have read darn near every thing posted here since I joined up. I too am a long since 2009. I am very happy to see that we are making progress now. I listened to the conference call and made the decision to stay in until we are done. At one point while I was listening I laughed out loud as the guys sounded like a bunch of kids in a candy store. I must say it has been a very interesting journey. I have only had an interest in JV's since investing in CF. I have definitely added alot of new words to my volcabulary. Measured , indicated, inferred, mining district, poryphry deposits and so on. It is also nice to see that this forum is so well taken care of. I know I can come here and not have to waste my time sifting through stuff that no one should ever have to see. With that being said, I too believe we are almost done and I would like to wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year! Best of luck to you all.