late dec 2010 ... in the low 70s ... then serious buying kicked in ..
two months later 1.75
45 days later 2.74
what we have is more valuable now than then.
(and its all still there)
CUU was risky then.
its been derisked.
would you agree with the above?
CUU mission is complete for all intents and purposes.
smart money knows this.
big money is waiting to jump in.
they are waiting for you to get stingy with your shares.
that will start soon as it did then.
this is the seasonal time for a run.
it all fits in with the teck tock timeline and premium to share price at the time.
don't cave.
CUU has a sleepy habit of running 20 to 30 cents up in a day.
One of these runs brings us back.
nuff said.
ps. don't let the chief fear monger amongst us steal your shares.