The T5 slip has a gross up amount which the person would report as dividend income, but there is also a dividend tax credit that the receiver would use as a tax credit.
I'm curious about how to handle a T5 slip if all of my shares are in a TFSA trading account. I know I don't have to pay any taxes on earning in my TFSA account, but I also have this gut fear of just ignoring a T5 slip (or any T slip for that matter). How do I report to the government that, yes, I earned this, but it was in my TFSA account?
I'm not so foolish to think that anyone here is responsible for giving me tax advice. Yes, I will check with my own accountant once I actually (eventually) see some profit from that account (hehe). I just thought that this question may be in line with the current thread, and that I may not be the only poster with such a question.