A little bird sent me a copy of the Feasibility Study and I put 3 copies on the cloud for folks to access. If one link doesn't work because of high traffic, try the next. Once you've clicked and downloaded the document, look for it either at the bottom of your screen or in your "Download" folder under My Documents on your PC. Enjoy
thanks little bird.
1) https://docs.google.com/file/d/0By_GKXYKkHPQV0F2RkVrck85VkU/edit?usp=sharing
2) https://docs.google.com/file/d/0By_GKXYKkHPQYVBHZGxlQnN2b2M/edit?usp=sharing
3) https://docs.google.com/file/d/0By_GKXYKkHPQcFBjZXVZMkhnNGc/edit?usp=sharing