Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: Is this scenario possible?

Remember this post from Webgogs: "Copper Fox Hits Gold System"? (Posted Sept. 4, 2012)


"As a copper company it's always nice to find a gold system. My experience with the area leads me to think we have found exavtly what I expected. The results are what I said they would be and I have no doubt about what will be found. The depths are right and there are historical examples all over the triangle. The "wall" of mineralization is as thick as I expected and shaped the way it should be and that's very good news. The absence of moly confirms that it's a seperate system and where small amounts of it are found the gold and copper go up. This news won't spark the gold bugs but over time and with a few more holes down the length it will confirm the richness of the deposit. This may not be what a copper company sought but it will make the mining far more profitable.

We are dancing the inflation dance as our politicos follow their manifestos of inflation. The hard asset guys are balanced by the deflation cash hedgers. Soon it will become obvious that the political wieght is not going to pull a 180, admit the fraud that they are and allow delfation. Inflation will rule for another decade because it allows them to rob us. Having gold is the way to survive. Teck can't pass this up. We can't accept a low offer now. The resumption of drilling is proof to me that Teck is playing hard ball and we are about to ramp up the sales machine by delivering results and attracting a gold company. Watch for the subtle changes over the next 3 weeks."

I've spent this entire weekend going through posts, watching webcasts, reviewing Agreements, media articles, etc., all the way back from June 4, 2012. I wanted to understand IF and where, I had gone wrong in my due diligence. What's keeping me and you, believing in CUU even with all the delays and disappointments.

In addition to all the good stuff we've discussed over and over again for so long, e.g. port, lands, location, life of mine, electricity, etc. the above post from Webgogs opens up a very major possibility as to why we stopped drilling, decided to restart drilling, and then stopped again.

This is all in my opinion/conjecture. What if, CUU stopped drilling when Elmer discovered we had a gold mine instead of copper mine and realized how much the DISTRICT is worth. He felt that he had already met the requirements for the BFS and finding a gold mine would far exceed Teck's expectations that drilling was stopped.

However, when Elmer told Teck, they wanted to play hardball and discounted his findings, that's when he decided to send the drills back to proof to Teck that he was right. His decision to continue drilling to proof himself right made Teck realize, how much Elmer believed in his discovery, that they agreed to accept what he told them. Thus, the drills were sent back.

The reason for the stalling of the BFS to date is because Teck is not a gold miner and they need the additional time to secure a major gold miner to partner with them. It takes time to educate a gold miner about Schaft Creek because gold miners looking to purchase lands would not have researched Copper Fox because we are more into copper exploration.

I think this is a very good possibility. Explains the lack of MIRA, the low key exposure of CUU, the very conservative BFS, delays since mid-summer, etc. Please share your opinion and if I am in ya-ya land, leave me there till buyout.

I think CUU should send each of us a CUU hat to cover our white and balding head of hair from too much thinking and analysis. LOL JMO

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