Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: Around the next corner

Well..its Febuary.......2013.........buyout is how much past due?

But wait....last February, calling the office before PDAC was leaving smiles on peoples faces....other posts claimed theyd had word about a BFS/Buyout since Januray 6th....

And anyone who had a slightly different opinion on this was labeled a "basher"

Well it looks like the "bashers" were a sight more logical than the long term tripe spewed here in most cases. Granted, the DD was phenomenal, however no stock is infalliable. As Ive mentioned before....thank god a lot of you went all in on a very forgiving stock.

Before we go any further.....I am a long time CUU holder. I have long believed in a buyout. I need to make my next statement very clear....

I STILL think were going to see a buyout in multiples of the current share price. However, after that BFS, I take my long term predictions from $5-7 down.....I see $3-4 being the right area now. Honestly, I wouldnt even say $2.50 was out of the mark.

The bright side;

Unless you were buying above $2.50.....youll at least see your money back.

If you were buying up to $1.50.....hey guys, a double isnt a bad thing at all.....equities as a whole return maybe 12-22% in any given year.

If you have an average less than a buck....party.....3 bagger is nothing to scoff at.

The down side;

A lot of you believed everything you read on this board and never kept an open mind as to the possibilities that....get this.....there could be a serious error in judgement.

DD does not mean a guarantee

Negative opinions serve purposes....sad to say but the legendary BFS sure doesnt live up the legend built around it.

Oh...and I always said that 4 year clause was a joke....still never seen it written down anywhere.....looks like the BFS has us in for 6. Call the lawyers fellas, we really do got Teck by the balls on this one. Teck has always had us by the balls, not the other way around.

That BFS is not bad...it is feasible, it is a worst case scenario...however...I think you can fairly easily discount $5 buyouts at this point. The silver lining is there is still upside, and I still dont think Teck will turn down the project. Buying the whole thing for 25% of cost plus $300 million bucks...still a good deal for them.

Although Ive said before, and Ill add again....if Teck does walk away.....its probably because of something weve missed....and if were such a smoking deal....no one should walk away from this. If Teck does, it only stands to reason that others will too.

CUU hasnt changed, I think the perceptions about it have just become a lot more realistic. That rocks been there millions of years, the outcome was determined well before Shaft Creek was ever discovered.

On a final point....any time you hear someone say 'management said you wont believe the numbers!!!'....dont believe them. The securities comissions have pretty stringent rules, and only an idiot of an insider would say anything of the sort.

Again.....not a basher...just a realist. But I also covered everything at $2.69 way back when. Greed will always kill you in this game.


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