IMO, here's my response.
"Why would Copper Fox need to "joint venture" with Teck or anyone to drill lands the company owns outright already?
Because owning lands 100% doesn't mean we have money to pay for drilling and exploration.
I keep hearing about this concept of joint venturing something when we already own the property outright and from the sale of the Schaft Creek claims we would have lots of cash to drill our 100% owned surrounding lands for years to come. No?"
Joint venturing is part of the Option Agreement for Schaft Creek. If Teck buys SC out at 100%, we can go drilling on our lands without JVing with anyone. JV only pertains to Schaft Creek.
IMO, I think Teck will partner with CIC and JV with CUU. After SC is completely de-risked, e.g. EA approved, road construction permits obtained, Power line started, "waste" proven and more holes drilled, Teck will completely buy us 100% out.
Teck knows we don't want to be miners. But they will use our services to do work for them because of our connections with First Nations, EA, government offices, etc.