All in cost are estimated higher. Then, if warranted they will need to upgrade the production. The 130-150 is an upside figure yet to be realized.
"The Pinto Valley Mine successfully restarted operations on schedule in December 2012 at a capital cost of $194 million (including approximately $60 million for a new mining fleet), which will be fully funded by BHP Billiton. The restart is progressing well, and is on schedule to achieve a run-rate of over 50,000 tonnes per day by the end of 2013."
"A Preliminary Feasibility Study ("PFS") is underway that will target the M&I Mineral Resources for potential conversion to reserves, with expected completion in 2013."
"The pit shell was generated using a copper price of $3.30/lb, applied to copper equivalent grade, with mining costs (ore and waste) of $1.50/ton, processing costs of $5.00/ton and an overall pit slope of 45°."
Apples anyone?