Welcome To the Copper Fox Metals Inc. HUB On AGORACOM

CUU own 25% Schaft Creek: proven/probable min. reserves/940.8m tonnes = 0.27% copper, 0.19 g/t gold, 0.018% moly and 1.72 g/t silver containing: 5.6b lbs copper, 5.8m ounces gold, 363.5m lbs moly and 51.7m ounces silver; (Recoverable CuEq 0.46%)

Message: Re: how far Elmer can go before raising next fund?

"Cpac, here is what BCmetalurgist said: "I fear CUU SP will be affected if Elmer keeps spending and raising money"."

Iletea, I keep re-reading the bolded text above and really don't see how you can say BCmetalurgist is not providing an opinion or a valid comment.

When I read the first two words "I fear" what comes to mind is, he is "concerned" that CUU SP would be affected if Elmer keeps spending and raising money. A concern like worry is an expression of an opinion, no different than IMO, IMHO.

Many of us longs and those who bought shares at $1.50+ have every right to be "concerned" about expenses because we are drowning in this investment and certainly
concerned with anything that "might" dwindle the financial security we currently hold. I for one have been around CUU when we were almost broke until EE came around and became our sugar daddy. Those were scary days because IF EE had not come around we would have been poofed long time ago. I certainly don't want to re-live those days again.

We are all seeing how other Juniors are hanging pn by the thread in today's market and we feel for them and feel blessed we are not in their position. Even Teck with all their billions are concerned about spending money and have stated publicly they would like to maintain a certain level of financial security because they too have experienced financial hardship till CIC came to their rescue.

What I'm saying is, these concerns are real. It's better to be safe than sorry. These are hard times. Yes, we have EE and his huge portfolio, but he is ONE MAN. What would happen to us if God forbid something major happened to him. He is not a large investment firm/financial institution that has other officers to pick up the pieces. We are putting all our eggs in one basket to bail us out in a financial emergency.

What would happen to CUU if we go out and acquire more claims, have all our cash tied up, copper prices keep its downward trend, Teck does not make a decision for 3-4 years and EE, well, he moves on to greener pastures, where will we be? 3-4 years is not that long a time considering many of us here have been around CUU for at least that long a time plus some.

We need to be prudent in business. It's always best to be prepared for the worst scenario so should it happen, you are prepared for it and will survive and if it doesn't, thank God, life goes on, we continue to sleep soundly at night.

We used to be a great group of people, all excited and gung-ho about our investment in CUU but due to frustration, unanticipated disappointments, time delays, etc. have kind of split to the gutsy, brave, scared, chicken, worried, nervous, angry... many different groups of individuals, some of us are more expressive than others, some rather not hear any negative possibilities, even though they are still in the realm of speculation just like the positive ones. We should give everyone a chance to feel comfortable to say how we feel and if we don't agree, we can skip to the next message.

Bottomline, we are all invested in CUU to make money. Yes, bashers suck and ruin our day but if we know who they are and why they do what they do, its easy to not open their messages. But it's not fair to criticize everyone who does not go rah, rah, rah.

For those who choose to go through life with blinders on that's their perogative but those that like adventure and want to see everything, they should be permitted to as well. IMO, IMO, IMO.

IMO, we currently have no happy CUU investors on any forum, SI, SH, AG. What we have are hopeful investors with faith and belief in the pounds in the ground, fairness and justice.


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